Discovering Meroitic Napata. The Palace of Natakamani and the Ancient Royal District di Ciampini Emanuele - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Discovering Meroitic Napata. The Palace of Natakamani and the Ancient Royal District

  • Autore: Ciampini Emanuele
  • Editore: Gangemi
  • Isbn: 9788849241242
  • Categoria: Storia del mondo antico. archeologia
  • Numero pagine: 40
  • Data di Uscita: 19/10/2021
10,00 €

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In the kingdom of Kush, Napata represented one of the most famous and ancient royal cities. Already mentioned in Egyptian texts of the 18th Dynasty (mid 2nd mill. BC), Napata knew its last phase in the Meroitic period (1st cent. AD), with a monumental district planned by king Natakamani.

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